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Car accidents and how they can lead to brain injuries

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

The odds of a motorist becoming involved in a car accident increase every day, due to the growing number of drivers on the roads. Regardless of the type and speed of motor vehicle collisions, the likelihood of brain injuries is all too common. Though most late-model vehicles come with safety features that help to reduce the severity of motor vehicle collisions and injuries that occur, there are still far too many older model vehicles on the roads without them.

Safety features and advanced auto technology alone are not enough to prevent car accidents. There are other contributing factors to consider, such as driver behavior, motorist impairment, distractions, road and traffic conditions and more. To better understand how car accidents can cause brain injuries, take some time to review the following information.

Common types of car accident brain injuries

Concussions occur when the brain comes in contact with the skull during a car accident. The most obvious sign of concussions is a loss of consciousness. However, some individuals who sustain concussions in motor vehicle collisions remain alert and fully conscious. Concussion symptoms include mild confusion, headaches, ringing in the ears, dizziness, amnesia and nausea.

Hematomas occur when the brain is bleeding and there are blood clots inside of its blood vessels, compromising proper blood and oxygen circulation. The brain may sustain damage from the buildup of pressure inside of the skull. Hematomas can lead to short-term and permanent brain damage.

Traumatic brain injuries occur when the brain sustains serious damage from penetrating or nonpenetrating blows to the head. The devastating impact of a car accident on the brain can cause injuries so severe that victims experience drastic changes in mental status and a reduction in motor skills, and become partially or solely dependent on the care and support of another to live. Depending on a variety of factors, motor vehicle accident victims with TBIs often face long, challenging recoveries. There are TBI victims who do not survive their injuries.